AutoSettings 1.15 4.26 UE4


Другие версии:


Settings and input binding without code or blueprint, just place widgets in your UI
Loads, saves and applies automatically using Unreal's systems
Easy to restyle for your project
Add a setting by placing a widget in your menu and setting a console variable
Use any of the hundreds of Unreal's built in console variables
Add new console variables, in code or in blueprint - create additional settings Unreal doesn't have already
Apply and save automatically, or have the user press a button
Flexible, restylable controls: Radio Buttons, Slider, Spinner, ComboBox, and CheckBox
Extend the system with your own widgets for more specific cases
Input binding uses Unreal's input system, works with your existing input
Place widgets in your menu and choose which action or axis they are for
Allow separate mappings per player
Handles multiple bindings for the same action, which can also be separated by key groups such as Keyboard and Gamepad
Whitelist/blacklist specific keys
Modifier keys
Display inputs as icons instead of text
Access input icon anywhere in your project, always show correct icons
Elegant switching between icon sets (XBox, PlayStation, Small, Large, etc)

Files in pack
63.6 MiBAutoSettings 1.15
Pack information
Uploaded at2024-01-29
Pack size63.6 MiB
Got0 times
Upload byeugene@first

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