Winter Forest UE 4.27 UE4


Snow Amount adds snow cover on non-snow parts of the landscape, also adds snow parts to trees and water.
Water Temperature changes water/ice balance.
Icicles Height provides to change icicles size.
Wind Intensity regulates wind speed that affects vegetation and trees branches.
Snow Amount Foliage makes vegetation and trees branches frozen.
Water Speed parameter can increase and decrease water animation speed and water normal intensity.


Snow landscape Material.
Material for static meshes with dynamic snow cover.
Dynamic icicles Material.
Foliage Material with wind Animation.
Customizable water Material.
Demo level shows how to use different assets.
4 trees
3 stones
10 grass types
1 bush
1 snowflakes particles system
Texture Sizes: All Textures are 4096 but max in-game is 2048
Collision: Yes, Trees have custom collision. Stones have generated collisions.
Vertex Count: Up to 19,905 tree, 600 vegetation, up to 1454 stones

LODs: 3 LODs for trees, 2 LODs for stones and vegetation

Number of Meshes: 20

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 8 materials, 13 materials instances, 1 material function, 1 material parameter collection

Number of Textures: 31

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1.6 GiBWinter Forest UE
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Uploaded at2024-02-01
Pack size1.6 GiB
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