Ultra Stylized Grass 4.27 FREE UE4


An advanced opaque material that uses geometry based meshes that gives great performance.
A simple opaque material for more simple, lower budget projects.
An advanced material that uses textures & Grass-cards, great for using any texture of your choice provided in the package, or your own!
A simple opacity material that allows for textures, also for lower budget projects.
Custom wind function that allows for directional wind.
Adjusted grass normals to blend perfectly with any angle. (shout out PrismaticaDev)
Fake shadows based on a gradient that improves performance greatly.
Color variation options, including changeable tip colors, and mask variation.
A Landscape Material that includes a dirt layer, as well as a grass layer that auto-generates grass of your choice.
12 Unique grass meshes to choose from (8 geometry based, 4 grass-cards)
Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances: 6 Materials, 18 Material Instances

Number of Textures: 19

Files in pack
12.6 MiBUltra Stylized Grass 4.27 Unreal Engine.zip
Pack information
Uploaded at2024-01-16
Pack size12.6 MiB
Got1 times
Upload byUEHub@777
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