TopDownShooterStarterPack 4.26 UE4 FREE


A character can get into a car, ride it, shoot down enemies. If the character is in the car, enemies fire at the car. If the car moves fast, the enemies run away. Also, cars explode if you shoot at them.
Saving character parameters
Picups health, armor, ammo.
Four types of building blueprints
"Double gun" shooting - when a character shoots with two bursts of shells.
Bouncing projectiles that allow you to hit enemies not directly, but around the corner, diagonally.
Enemy AI
Kill SlowMo Effect
12 sound effects
3 visual effects.
Cool widget animations.
Number of Blueprints:18

Input: Keyboard, Mouse.

Network Replicated: No

Files in pack
191.6 MiBTopDownShooterStarterPack 4.26 Unreal
Pack information
Uploaded at2024-01-16
Pack size191.6 MiB
Got2 times
Upload byUEHub@777
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