Superhero Flight Animations v4.25-4.27, 5.0-5.3 UE4


Number of Blueprints : 24 ( Character, Component, AnimNotify, CameraShake, GameMode, and Widget )

Maps : 3 ( OpenWorldMap, OverviewMap, TutorialMap )

Input : Gamepad and Keyboard

Network Replicated : Yes

The character Scaled to Epic skeleton : Yes

Rigged : Yes

The character Rigged to Epic skeleton : Yes

Animated : Yes

Number of character animations : 50 + 80 additive pose

Number of Effects : 16

Animation types : In place

Files in pack
549.9 MiBSuperhero Flight Animations v4.25-4.27, 5.0-5.3.rar
Pack information
Uploaded at2024-01-19
Pack size549.9 MiB
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