Shooter Rifle Animations 5.0 FREE UE5


6-direction walk (fwd diagonals are achieved through blending fwd and laterals in BlendSpace)
6-direction walk aim (fwd diagonals are achieved through blending fwd and laterals in BlendSpace)
6-direction jog (fwd diagonals are achieved through blending fwd and laterals in BlendSpace)
6-direction run (fwd diagonals are achieved through blending fwd and laterals in BlendSpace)
6-direction crouch walk (fwd diagonals are achieved through blending fwd and laterals in BlendSpace)
6-direction crouch walk aim (fwd diagonals are achieved through blending fwd and laterals in BlendSpace)
1 idle
1 idle aim
1 crouch idle
1 crouch idle aim
1 reload empty chamber
1 reload loaded chamber
1 fire
1 fire aim
1 equip
1 unequip
1 jump start
1 jump loop
1 jump end

Files in pack
15.8 MiBShooter Rifle Animations 5.0 Unreal
Pack information
Uploaded at2024-01-14
Pack size15.8 MiB
Got1 times
Upload byUEHub@777
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