ROG Modular Medieval Armor and Cloth 5.0 UE5


112 armor items (23x helm, 29x chest, 27x pants, 21x boots, 1x bracer, cloak, gloves, shoulders for demo);
1191 Skeletal Meshes, 621 Static meshes;
84 Material Instances, 3 Master Materials, 1 Material Function;
~240 PBR textures (2048/4096): Albedo, Normal, ORM;
Vertex counts of Skeletal Meshes: Helms (900-2600), Chests/Shirts (1700-7600), pants (900-3400), Boots (1200-4000);
Number of LODs for all Skeletal & Static Meshes: 4;
Cloth simulation: chests, robes & cloaks;
Rigged: Yes

Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes (IK bones are included);

Files in pack
2.0 GiBROG Modular Medieval Armor and Cloth 5.0.z02
2.0 GiBROG Modular Medieval Armor and Cloth 5.0.z03
628.5 MiBROG Modular Medieval Armor and Cloth
2.0 GiBROG Modular Medieval Armor and Cloth 5.0.z01
Pack information
Uploaded at2024-11-14
Pack size6.5 GiB
Got0 times
Upload byeugene@first
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