Post Process Toolkit 4.26 UE4


Texture Resolutions:

2048x1024 (2)
512x1024 (1)
1024x256 (1)
8x64 (1)
4x32 (1)
Number of Materials: 11

Number of Material Functions: 54

Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: No

Number of Textures: 6

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: NA

Documentation: Documentation is available in the form of comments made in material asset placed in ./PostProcessToolkit/Materials/M_Documentation.uasset

Important/Additional Notes: The toolkit is not designed to be used in the release builds.

VR: Most of the features work in the VR mode, except for Move Splitter and safe zone. Tested on Oculus Rift

Files in pack
121.8 MiBPost Process Toolkit 4.26 Unreal
Pack information
Uploaded at2024-01-16
Pack size121.8 MiB
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