Forest Bar (MODULAR) LUMEN - 5.2 UE5


High Attention to Details
Nanite & Lumen Compatible
Vertex Painting
Forest (Procedural Content Generation)
Landscape Displacement
Interactive Foliage
Including Showcased Map
Unique Concepts of Assets
High-Quality Assets
Game-ready / Optimized
Modular structures
Modular walls, floors, ceiling, roof, and more.
Interior and Exterior Props
Opening Doors
Fabric Physics
LODs: none due to Nanite usage
Sound: No
Collision: Yes - automatically generated
Uv mapping: Yes
Animation: No
Number of Meshes: 471
Number of Materials: 177
Number of Textures: 707
Texture Resolutions: 2K
Albedo,Normal Map,Gloss,Speculer,Emission,Height Map,Occlusion

Files in pack
2.0 GiBForest_Bar_(MODULAR)_LUMEN_-_5.2.z01
345.8 MiBForest_Bar_(MODULAR)
Pack information
Uploaded at2024-01-27
Pack size2.3 GiB
Got5 times
Upload byeugene@first
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