Bears pack 4.27 UE4



Foot IK.
Control of the posture of the pelvis according to the feet position.
Physics Simulated Death motion.
Operable character(BP_BearThirdPersonCharacter).
Character that move according to the NavMesh(BP_FoodSeekBear).
Biped and quadruped walking style.
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes

Rigged: Yes

Rigged to Epic skeleton: No

Animated: Yes

Number of characters: 2(Brown bear and Polar bear)

Vertex counts of characters:

BrownBearLowPoly: 2974
BrownBearMiddlePoly: 12202
PolarBearLowPoly: 2980
PolarBearMiddlePoly: 12226
Texture Resolutions:

Base Color: 4096x4096
Normal: 4096x4096
Roughness: 512x512
Number of Animations: 46

Files in pack
84.4 MiBBears pack 4.27 Unreal
Pack information
Uploaded at2024-01-16
Pack size84.4 MiB
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