AI Shooter 5.3 UE5


System AI Shooter ( Health, Health Bar, Weapon Spawn, Find Ammo, Distance Find Ammo, Acurracy Shooting, Move, Drop Item, Type Target, Team Select, Color Material )
System Perception (vision, hearing, damage and touch)
Ai precision system (low, medium, high)
Ammo search system
Drop system (weapon, ammo and health)
AI behavior system (Patrol, Search for ammo, investigate sounds, chase target, attack target, melee when close)
Target system (player, AI vs AI, all targets)
AI locomotion system ( Patrol , random location )
System behavior tree
Complete Weapon System ( Damage, Fire Mode, Fire Rate, Sound, Icon, Animation )
Menu Radial ( Weapons )
Pick Up System ( Ammunition and Health )
System AimOffset
More items can be added in updates with your feedback

Files in pack
155.2 MiBAI Shooter
Pack information
Uploaded at2024-01-23
Pack size155.2 MiB
Got2 times
Upload byeugene@first
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