AI Pro Spawner 4.27 FREE UE4


Random spawn ai in a radius
You can put multiple actor to spawn
Choose number of ai to spawn
Set the limit of Ai max in the game
A delay before spawn ai
Spawn ai with a trigger
Respawn ai
Respawn infinite ai or not
Delay for respawn ai
Wave system
Infinite waves or not
You can increase the number of the ai for every wave
Delay for the next wave
Delay between each ai spawn
Included a demo map
Included a simple Ai

Number of Blueprints: 5
Network Replicated: (Yes)

Files in pack
41.9 MiBAI Pro Spawner 4.27 Unreal
Pack information
Uploaded at2024-01-14
Pack size41.9 MiB
Got1 times
Upload byUEHub@777
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